The Built Environment and Its Impact on Children’s Health
Heldon April 25th at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health. The event included a keynote address by Janet Phoenix, MD, MPH, MS, an assistant research professor at the George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health. The Chapter has previously partnered with Dr. Phoenix on a virtual town hall on lead in DC’s water supply and with 50 organizations on a “Campaign to Reduce Lead Exposure and Asthma.”
An advocacy panel followed the keynote presentation led by Bethany Carlos, MD, MPH, of Children’s National and included representatives from Empower DC, The Children’s Law Center, The Georgetown Law Center’s Health Justice Alliance Law Clinic, and an Area Neighborhood Commissioner representing residents near Buzzard Point in DC. The panelists shared examples of how pediatric health care providers can offer referrals and resources to residents of DC.
Neelima Tummala, MD, also of George Washington University, closed the program with a call to action and provided examples of how she has become active on environmental health issues in the DMV. A downloadable contact sheet on how to reach DC Councilmembers and additional resources were offered to the attendees.
American Academy of Pediatrics, DC Chapter
- Advocacy Committee – Contact: to be added to our Google Group and to receive notifications on advocacy opportunities.
Children’s Law Center Resources
- Email:
- Newsletter: Children’s Law Center Newsletter Signup or sign up on the website.
State-Specific Physician Resources
- Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action – Advocacy and education resources on climate action for Clinicians in Virginia.
- Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health – Climate advocacy resources by state.
- Empower DC – A citywide, multi-issue, membership-based community organizing project. Empower DC works to strengthen organized political power among DC’s lowest income communities to address issues of critical importance
Sustainability Resources
- Practice Greenhealth – Membership and networking organization for sustainable health care, and delivering environmental solutions to hospital and health systems in the U.S.
- Health Care Without Harm – A movement that works to transform health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint, becomes a community anchor for sustainability and a leader in the global movement for environmental health and justice.
NAACP –DC Branch Campaign
To Reduce Lead Exposure & Childhood Asthma Contact: William Washburn, Email
Twice By The Age of Two
Dept. of Energy and the Environment and Am. Academy of Pediatrics: Website
Lead Emergency Action for the District
Contact: Paul Schwartz, Email
Phil Mendelson
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8032
- Facebook: Chairman Phil Mendelson
- Twitter: @ChmnMendelson
- Instagram: @ChairmanPhilMendelson
Chair Pro Tempore: At-Larger
Kenyan R. McDuffie
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-7772
- Facebook: Kenyan R. McDuffie
- Twitter: @CM_McDuffie
- Instagram: @CM_McDuffie
At-Large Councilmember
Anita Bonds
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8064
- Facebook: Anita Bonds
- Twitter: @AnitaBondsDC
- Instagram: @AnitaBondsDC
At-Large Councilmember
Christina Henderson
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8105
- Facebook: Councilmember Christina Henderson
- Twitter: @CMCHenderson
- Instagram: @christinahendersondc
At-Large Councilmember
Robert C. White, Jr.
- Email:
- Phone: (202)-724-8174
- Facebook: Robert White At Large
- Twitter: @CMRobertWhiteDC
- Instagram: @councilmember_robertwhite
Ward 1 Councilmember
Brianne K. Nadeau
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8181
- Facebook: Brianne Nadeau
- Twitter: @BrianneKNadeau
- Instagram: @BrianneKNadeau
Ward 2 Councilmember
Brooke Pinto
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8058
- Facebook: DC Councilmember Brooke Pinto
- Twitter: @CMBrookePinto
- Instagram: @CMBrookePinto
Ward 3 Councilmember
Matthew Frumin
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8062
- Facebook: Councilmember Matt Frumin
- Twitter: @MatthewFrumin
- Instagram: @cmfrumin
Ward 4 Councilmember Janeese
Lewis George
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8052
- Facebook: Councilmember Janeese Lewis George
- Twitter: @CMLewisGeorgeW4
- Instagram: :@CMLewisGeorgeW4
Ward 5 Councilmember
Zachary Parker
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8028
- Facebook: Councilmemeber Zachary Parker
- Twitter: @ZacharyforWard5
- Instagram: @ZacharyforWard5
Ward 6 Councilmember
Charles Allen
- Email:
- Phone: (202)724-8072
- Facebook: Charles Allen
- Twitter: @charlesallen
- Instagram: @cmcharlesallen
Ward 7 Councilmember
Vincent C. Gray
- Email:
- Phone: (202) 724-8068
- Facebook: Vincent C. Gray
- Twitter: @VinceGrayWard7
- Instagram: @cmvince.gray
Ward 8 Councilmember
Trayon White, Sr.
- Email:
- Phone: (202)724-8045
- Facebook: Trayon White
- Twitter: @trayonwhite
- Instagram: @trayonwhiteFederal:
Eleanor Holmes Norton
If you would like to become more active on environmental health issues or in the Chapter’s advocacy initiatives, you can sign up to be added to a Google group for notices on activities by the chapter. For more information, please email the executive director or Advocacy Committee chair for more information.