Early Career Professionals Virtual Series
Welcome to a Three-Part Virtual Series centered around career exploration in the field of pediatrics!
February 11, 7-8:30 pm | Career Exploration: Subspecialities will explore a handful of pediatric subspecialties to get a better sense of what life is like as a subspecialist and whether it might be right for you! This event is geared towards medical students and residents, though all are of course welcome. Feel free to learn more about pediatric subspecialties such as cardiology, PICU, and Emergency Medicine.
March 18, 7-8:30 pm | Career Exploration: Beyond Clinic will explore some of the “alternative” careers within pediatrics. Ever thought about using your medical degree to work for an NGO, influence policy, or get involved in school health? Join a conversation with some amazing pediatricians who have taken the road less traveled, and see if a similar path might be in your future. This event is geared towards students, trainees, and early career professionals. All are welcome!
April 22, 7-8:30 pm | The Financial Health event gets practical as we learn about how to optimize our financial health while pursuing a career devoted to the health of others. This event is geared to any and all who could use a little extra financial knowledge.