Social Services
Office of Refugee Resettlement Call Center
For any unaccompanied minor (age <18yo when entered country without legal guardian present, and apprehended at border): Office of Refugee Resettlement Call Center
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Health Education

Learning About Diabetes
Websites provides with free downloadable handouts for patients to learn about diabetes

National Heart, Lung and Blood
Provides patient education handouts about hypertension.

Children's National Health System
Provides patient education handouts about Hypertension on a wide variety of topics in English and Spanish.

Learning About Diabetes
Websites provides with free downloadable handouts for patients to learn about diabetes

National Heart, Lung and Blood
Provides patient education handouts about Hypertension.

Government Benefits
Montgomery County Dept of HHS
401 Hungerford Drive, 5th floor Rockville, MD 20850
Health-Positive Pregnancy

National Abortion Federation (NAF)
Providing resources for women seeking abortion care; initiating groundbreaking educational programs for health care professionals; protecting providers and patient sfrom antiabortion violence; and developing a pivotal, pro-choice advocacy role to represent the voices of abortion providers and women who have chosen this care.

Talk line that offers confidential and non-judgemental space for the patient to talk about their feelings and decisions related to pregnancy.
Faith Aloud
Counseling and advocacy
Organizaiton that has pro-choice clergy members and religious counselors available to women as they face unintended pregnancy so that women can openly discuss their pregnancy options.
Aspire Counseling
Home-based therapy for uninsured and Medicaid eligible women with pre-natal and post-partum depression.
Pregnancy Aid Center
Nonsectarian, non-profit, community-based women’s health clinic and social service agency. PAC’s mission is to provide culturally sensitive, individualized medical and mental health care to low-income women, adolescents, and newborns who have Medicaid, or whose Medicaid is pending, or who have no insurance.

DC AIDS Assistance Program
The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) operates in the District of Columbia and in all 50 states, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The program is authorized under Title II of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act and provides HIV-related prescription drugs to under-insured and uninsured individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Enrolling in the DC AIDS Drug Assistance Program is as easy as clicking on the link below.

Food and Friends
General Info: 202-269-2277
Client Services & Referrals: 202-269-6825
Home delievered meals, groceries to go, food education and more.

Maryland AIDS Drug Assistance Program
Provides assistance paying for medication.

Dennis Avenue - Dept of Health and Human Services, STD/HIV Testing
2000 Dennis Ave Silver Spring, MD 20902
STI testing, walk-in testing is available for HIV Rapid Testing.

Heart to Hand
Community-based public health organization located in Largo, Maryland. We provide support services to those living with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. Heart to Hand is the leading provider of free services to those living with sexually-transmitted infections.

Dept of Health and Human Services, STD/HIV Testing
Sexual Transmitted Diseases
Housing and Homeless Resources

1460 Columbia Rd, NW Suite C-1 Washington DC 20009
Central American Resource Center (CARECEN), a community based organization that seeks to foster the comprehensive development of the Latino community in the Washington metropolitan region. Founded to protect the rights of refugees arriving from conflict in Central America and to help ease their transition by providing legal services in immigration, housing and citizenship, as well as empowerment, civil rights advocacy, and civic training.

Community of Hope
1717 Massachusetts Ave, NW Suite 805 Washington DC 20036
801 17th St NE Washington DC 20002
Their mission is to improve the health and quality of life for low-income, homeless, and unerserved families and indivduals in the District of Columbia by providing healthcare, housing with supportive services, educational opportunities, and spiritual support.

Jubilee Housing
1640 Columbia Road NW Washington DC 20009
Jubilee Housing is a faith based nonprofit organization founded in 1973 to provide affordable housing and supportive services to economically disadvantaged residents of the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington DC. Jubilee serves more than 700 individuals and families, and has been a model for programs around the country seeking effective responses to the urban affordable housing crisis.
Hope and a Home
1439 R St NW Washington DC 20009
Hope and a Home brings an intensive, multifaceted response to address the heart of what is perpetuating poverty with each indivdual family. Using one-on-one coaching and peer support, our parents and children build on their aspirations and strengths to achieve permanent housing, higher education, rewarding work, and valuable connections to their community.
Latino Economic Development Center
641 S St NW, Washington DC 20001
11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 503, Wheaton, MD 20902
The Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) equips Latinos and other D.C.-area residents with the skills and financial tools to create a better future for their families and communities. Participants in their programs learn how to buy and stay in their homes, take control of decisions affecting their apartment buildings, and start or expand small businesses.
Neighborhood Assistance Corportation of America (NACA) Home Save Program
Baltimore: 410-483-0465 Washington DC: 202-328-6333
Assists home owners to achieve affordable solutions nationwide. The primary solution is to restructure the mortgage by permanently reducing interest rate to as low as 2%.
Housing Counseling Services, Inc
Housing Counseling Services Inc is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive housing counseling, training, advocacy, technical assistance and housing opportunities for low- and moderate- income home buyers, home owners and tenants, to help them achieve successful living in healthy, safe and affordable homes. The goal of HCS is to prevent homelessness and increase sustainable housing opportunities by providing the skills, slef-esteem and and empowerment necessary within families and communities.

Interfaith Works
Interfaith Works is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency and a non-sectarian interfaith coalition of more than 165 affiliated congregations of diverse faiths, working together to meet the needs of the poor and homeless.

Host Homes Emergency Shelter Program
Kristin 301-431-3121 ext. 58
Short-term emergency shelter to homeless and runaway youth, ages 12-17 up to 3 weeks. To provide youth with safte, loving and stable homes, the program recruits and trains both English & Spanish speaking individuals/familes as host families.

Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America Home Save Program
Baltimore: 410-783-0465
Washington DC: 202-328-6333
NACA has assisted over a quarter- of-a-million homeowners achieve affordable solutions nationwide. Free. The primary NACA solution is to restructure the mortgage by permanently reducing the interest rate to as low and 2%.
Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
600-B East Gude Drive Rockville, MD 20850
Subsidized housing, Property management services, Rehabilitation of distressed property, variety of contracted social services
Community Crisis Service, Inc
The Homeless Hotline refers residents to shelters including emergency winter hypothermia program Warm Nights.

SERVE Emergency Shelter
10360 Portsmouth Road Manassas, VA 20109
We provide emergency shelter to safely house those in need of immediate assistance, as well as help with rent, utilities and subsidies to prevent homelessness from occurring.

BU-GATA Tenants Association
4108 N 4th St Arlington, VA 22203
As a community-based non-profi t, BU-GATA has focused on defending tenants, educating residents about their rights, and fi ghting to preserve the community when gentrifi cation threatens. BU-GATA’s mission is to promote the common interests of the residents of multi-family apartment buildings while also improving the quality of life and sustaining healthy neighborhoods in Arlington, VA.

Cornerstones Inc
11150 Sunset Hills Road Suite 210 Reston, VA 20190
Cornerstones, formerly Reston Interfaith, is a nonprofi t organization that promotes self-suffi ciency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other human services.
Wesley Housing Development Corporation
5515 Cherokee Ave Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22313
The heart and soul of Wesley Housing’s mission lies in our commitment to combine affordable housing with family programs and supportive services to foster positive development and self-suffi ciency for all adults, children, and families
Community Lodgings
3912 Elbert Ave Suite 108 Alexandria, VA 22305
Community Lodgings’ mission is to lift families from homelessness and instability to independence and self-suffi ciency through Transitional Housing, Affordable Housing and Youth Education Programs. Community Lodgings gives disadvantaged local families access to homes they can afford. Youth Education Programs offer elementary, middle and high school students, living below the poverty threshold, free daily afterschool programs and summer camps, tutoring and
Hunger Relief

Bread for the City
1525 Seventh St NW Washington DC 20001
The mission of Bread for the City is to provide vulnerable residents of Washington DC with comprehensive services, including food, clothing, medical care, and legal and social services, in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

Martha's Table
2114 14th St NW Washington DC 20009
Martha’s Table works with our community to increase access to a Health Start for DC children, Healthy Eating for DC families, and Healthy Connections so DC youth and families can find jobs an be successful in life.

Shared Food Network
Provide 40-50% discount on food including basics and healthy groceries. (3-4lbs of frozen protein, 1-3 grocery items, 8-9 lbs. of fresh produce.)

SNAP (Food Stamp)
Provides monthly financial benefits to eligible households for food. Will need the following for appt: ID, POI, POA, proof of residency/citizenship, social security number fo all applicants.

Meals on Wheels
301-384-7440 Silver Spring
301-434-1922 Takoma Park
301-340-1559 Rockville
Delivers a warm hot lunch and a cold sub for dinner. For the SS/TP location they serve MoCo and PG counties.

Manna Food Center
9311 Gaither Rd, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Provides one box of food once a month

Crossroads Community Foods Network
6930 Carroll Ave, Suite 416, Takoma Park, MD 20912
Crossroads Community Food Network’s mission is to improve access to fresh, local, healthy food through innovative programs and models mutually supportive of those who grow our food and those who eat it.

Shared Food Network
Provide 40-50% discount on food including basics and healthy groceries. (3-4lbs of frozen proteing, 1-3 grocery items, 8-9 lbs. of fresh produce.)

SNAP (Food Stamp)
Provides monthly financial benefits to eligible households for food. Will need the following with an appointment:1. ID, 2. POI, 3. POA, 4. Proof of residency/citizenship for those not born in U.S., 5. Social security number for all applicants.

St Martin's
201 Frederick Ave Gaithersburg MD 20877

St Marks
7501 Adelphi Rd Hyattsville MD 20783
Open to the public every Tuesday 10am-12pm Non-persishable foods. Once a month – they can make exceptions depending on needs and available supplies.

Luther Rice Memorial Baptist Church
801 University Bld W Silver Spring, MD 20901
Open to the public every Wednesday 10am-12pm. They get one bag of non perishable foods. They also have a clothes closet.

St Camilus
1600 St Camilus Dr Silver Spring MD 20903
Open every Friday at 3pm-5pm and Saturdays 10-12. Provides one bag of non-persishable food.

Arleeta's Pantry
8900 Georgia Ave Silver Spring MD 20910
The United Methodist Church also has a mobile truck at the Four Corners Campus. They deliver fresh produce at no cost to the sites from 3pm to 5pm on every second Tuesday of the month.

Mobile Food Pantry United Methodist Church
33 University Blvd E Silver Spring MD 20901
The United Methodist Church also has a mobile truck at the Four Corners Campus. They deliver fresh produce at no cost to the sites from 3pm to 5pm on every second Tuesday of the month.

First Baptist Church of Silver Spring
9727 Georgis Ave Silver Spring MD 20910
Every Sat 10am-12pm. They have non-perishable foods and donations from Panera.

St Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church
9100 Colesville Rd Silver Spring MD 20910
Fax: 301-588-215
Operation hours Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursdays 9:00am-1:00pm. They provide non-perishable food, tokens if needed and a giant gift card for parents who have children only (to buy milk).
They don’t need to specify when to pick it up but letter is needed.

Germantown HELP
Food assistance: *Can get food 10 times in a 12-month period* Priority for those who haven’t been served recently when there’s not enough food* One delivery per Household*

Gaithersburg HELP
301 Muddy Branch Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Helps with Food, Infant needs, Prescription funding, Transportation, Financial support and Referrals.

Rockville HELP
We deliver 3 days of food to a family. The amount of food depends on the size of the family. They deliver mostly canned and packaged food. In addition, they bring bread, eggs, cheese and butter. Sometimes we have fresh produce and/or ground beef depending on donations. They deliver foods max 3 every 6 months.

Seed Food Distribution
Press 3 for food distribution
Provide to the PG residents non-perishable foods. Wednesdays and Fridays 12-3 PM. New clients need an ID or some kind of mail with PG address. Bring your own grocery bags.

Adventist Community Service
Provide food and clothing assistance

Fax: 301-929-8234
Food pantries, Rx program.

Salvation Army - Germantown
20021 Aircraft Drive Germantown MD, 20874
Food Pantry M-F. Bring your own bags since they donot always have them available. They have a market available on Fridays starting at 1PM until they are out of items. This works as an “inbetween” supply if you run low on Manna food items and need more. Bring ID.

Lutheran Church of St Andrew
15300 New Hampshire Ave Silver Spring, MD 20905
Call if pantry – They have DME gently used. Called to check on availability. Call and ask to speak to Marilee for details.

Cornerstones Inc
1150 Sunset Hills Road Suite 210 Reston, VA 20190
Cornerstones, formerly Reston Interfaith, is a nonprofi t organization that promotes self-suffi ciency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other human services.

Food and Friends
Fax: 202-635-4265Client Services & Referrals
Home delivered meals, groceries-to-go, food education, more.
Language Literacy

Washington English Center
2200 California St NW Washingotn DC 20008
Language ETC is a nonprofit school that offers high-quality, affordable English Language, Literacy in Spanish, Citizenship and computer education programs to immigrants in the DC area. We provide a warm and welcoming environment and our respectful and committed volunteer teachers provide individual attention to support the success of each of our students. All students have unlimited access to a computer lab with programs to learn English as well as internet access.

Spanish Education Development Center
4110 Kansas Ave NW Washingotn DC 20011
The SED Center provides bilingual daycare and preschool programs for children ages three months to four years old. A high quality adult education program is also offered that includes English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), computer training, and GED classes.

The Family Place
3309 16th St NW Washington DC 20010
Offers Family Literacy, Family Wellness and Family Stability programs. Supports low income families through educational and support services.

The center for Spanish Literacy
1419 Columbia Road, NW Washington DC 20009
CENAES offers 3 levels of Spanish literacy instruction to adult Latinos who have low literacy levels in Spanish. We also provide workshops and discussions in topics important to our students including drug and alcohol issues, family communication, available governmental services and other family resources.

Montgomery County Coalition for Adult English Literacy
12320 Parklawn Drive Rockville, MD 20852
The Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy strengthens the countrywide adult English literacy network to support a thriving community and effective workforce.

Berwyn Baptist Church
Anita Hanna, 301-474-7117
4720 Cherokee St College Park, MD 20740
English Classes that include a time of fellowship. Registration open through out the entire time of the class – simply come to any session to register.

Prince George's Community
Adult Education is for you if you would like to develop your speaking and understanding of English for: life or work/employment or to help you children in their school life.

Center of Diversity Charles W Gilchrist
Daniel Koroma, 240-777-2584
Anita Mwalui, 240-777-8406
Some programs include: * ESL classes (begginer and Intermediate) * Basic Computers (Microsoft and social media) * Job search workshop * Citizenship programs * Spanish converstation * New Americans Welcome Area (NAWA) * Cultural programs

Literacy Council of Montgomery County
8630 Fenton St Ste
1200 Silver Spring, MD 20910
To Register: 301.610.0030 Ext. 217
LCMC conducts English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at sites throughout Montgomery County. These classes, taught by professional educators, provide 9 hours of instruction for 10 weeks, and meet Maryland and national standards for adult ESL education.
There is no charge for the classes, but learners are strongly encouraged to purchase their own textbook.

ESLIM is a consortium of Northern Virginia churches that offer English classes to immigrants and other non-native speakers. ESLIM is one of the oldest nonprofit English as a Second Language programs in Northern Virginia.
English as a Second Language & Immigrant Ministries Inc
Classes are taught by trained volunteer teachers in multiple locations in Annandale, Arlington, Ashburn, Centreville, Clifton, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, Springfi eld, and Washington, D.C. The program is a ministry of the United Methodist Church, but membership is open to churches of all

Ed Bohrer Parent Resource Center
Gaithersburg Elementary School
Parenting skill workshops, translation at parent-teacher conferences and help with follow up. Basic literacy classes in English and Spanish, Adult orientation for classes in English as a second language, Adult Education ESOL classes through Montgomery College at Basic, Beginning 1 & 2, intermediate 1 & 2 levels, Basic computer skills,citzenship classes and parent homework clubs.

DC Diaper Bank
315 12th St #100, Washingotn DC 20002,
Provides a reliable and adequte supply of free diapers to families in need living in the Washington D.C metro area.

Neighborhood Service Center at Catholic Charities
12247 Georgia Ave, Silver Spring MD 20902
Free clothings, food and household items, nutrtion, cooking and exercise classes, employment coaching, case management, crisis intervention, referral services, parent education classes, immigration legal services, English as a second language classes, and rent/mortgage/utility assistance.
Prescription Assistance

Rx Outreach
Affordable medications (more than 500 items), shipping is available throughout 50 states with a prescrption.

Rx Hope
It’s a national Advocacy organization that helps patients cover for BRAND meds that are listed on their sites. They only charge a $25/month flat fee per each med. Note: Always check the website to make sure it’s available for it’s constantly being updated. It is a website similar to NeedyMeds. Search for the medicine you are looking to buy, they will list all PAPs for that medicine. Make sure you read the elegibility.

Patient Assistance Network
866-316-PANF (7263)
PAP for pts with insurance that cannot afford all the copays They help cover diferrent meds, look by conditions. They have different funding. I.e for asthma, they will cover up to 3,000 in copay per year if you meet criteria. You will get an answer at the end of the application!! print the card and can go get the med at the pharmacy.
AbbVie PAP
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
They provide meds at no cost, mailed to the PCPs office. Follow the link for the med list.
Lily Cares PAP
Patient Assistance Program that provides brand name meds at no cost. Shipped to the pcp office.

Reduced Fare Program
When presenting a reduced fare Program, Medicare card with ID, or Metro access card at time of riding any public transit the client can receive discounted tickets for the rides and free rides M-F 9-3 on some bus routes. Free cost varies and client should as for the cost when loading the bus.

Medicaid Transportation Program Montgomery County
240-777-5890 • 101 Monroe St 5th Floo, Rockville, MD 20850
Non-emergency Medicaid transportation service: Taxi cabs ( curb-to-curb), Wheelchair Vans (facility-to-facility) and non-emergency ambulances. Operating Area Montgomery County MD; Washington, D.C. (limited to referrals 10 miles within suburban areas, not to exceed 30 miles from rural areas).

Prince George's Medicaid Transportation
Non-emergency Medicaid transportation service. Offers free transportation to planned medical appointments. Give notice of appointment at least 24 hrs in advance. Focus of specialist appointments.
Vision Care
Title Here

Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
Fax: 877-595-9228
Tiffany Jones, Manager: 240-454-3859
Provides low vision care to help individuals with vision loss make the most of their remaining vision. CLB’s doctor of optometry will introduce you to adaptive aids and techniques that enhance your vision and help you retain your independence. Our Mobile Eye Care unit provides vision care services such as: routine eye screenings, diabetic eye screenings, glaucoma screenings, and demonstrations of low vision aids. Provide assistance with eye glasses.

Hispanic Institute for Blindness Prevention
703-417-9678 / 79
The HIBP has developed a program of on-site intake and screening station where clients receive health and social service needs assessments, education and referrals. These services stem from a patient’s initial vision or medical screening for diabetes, HIBP logo inclinadohypertension, and obesity risk or a free wellness check or physical examination but can lead to additional medical interventions and referrals as well.
Eye Care America
Provides comprehensive eye exams and care for up to one year, often at no out-of-pocket expense to eligible candidates age 65 or older. Its Glaucoma EyeCare Program provides a glaucoma eye exam. The EyeCare America Children’s EyeCare Program educates parents and primary care providers about the importance of early childhood (newborn through 36 months of age) eye care.
Mission Cataract USA
Participating MD in Maryland: Ivan Garcia, MD from Omni Eye Specialists – 410-645-1098
Provides low cost/free cataract surgery to people of all ages who have no other means to pay. Fee varies according to doctor and participant’s income.
Sight for Students
Provides free eye exams and glasses to low income and uninsured children 18 years and younger that qualified for the program.
New Eyes for the Needy
Provides vouchers for the purchase of new prescription eyeglasses. For information about following up on your voucher e-mail for details.